Briefly, I am going to show you how you can still escape poverty and become very rich even though your current take home pay is very little and not enough to take you home.
I am going to introduce you to five attitudes that will move you from the place of lack and want to your place of wealth and abundance.
With these five secrets, you can move from the uncomfortable place your finances are right now, to the stable place where you need to be financially.
Let`s get straight to it:
Secret No.1
This is the first place to start your journey from where you are right now to the place of your dreams.
If you currently have a job now or any trade or business that makes you income, no matter how little it is, you should be happy for it.
You must wake up each day with attitude of gratitude. You must be grateful you are alive in the life of the living and in good health.
It is important to remember that many who started with you are no longer here or even if here, they may be incapacitated in one-way or the other.
However, your case is different. Here you are, in good spirit and great bubbling health. Something that even some of the rich and powerful today cannot afford with their money.
So, each morning, every moment, minute by minute you look up to heaven and you say it loud, clear and with great pride – God am grateful, thank you for everything.
This is the beginning of your progress. Never forget it.
Secret No.2
Another important attitude that works hand in glove with gratitude to give you the wings of a high flyer is awareness.
Yes, things might not be exactly as you wish them to be currently, but you should be very mindful of the fact that this is not the end of your story.
You know as a fact that you are simply passing through a phase and like a man on a journey, you must be forward looking to your destination.
You may be currently in a place of despair and anguish. Things may be currently rough for you, but this is not the end of your story.
You should operate with the awareness that you are not yet where you need to be. You still have a plane to catch. That plane takes you to your wealthy place as the Bible calls it.
That flight that takes you to that place of abundance has just one pilot and the pilot lives within you and not on the outside.
There are destiny helpers you may meet on the way, but they are simply co-travelers. They are not the architects of that great destiny that has your name on it.
You alone is the architect of your great destiny. With the attitude of gratitude and the wisdom of awareness, you are surely ready to manifest greatness.
Secret No.3
Next, you must desire to liberate yourself from the shackles of poverty. You must hunger to leave your present level to that level of more possibilities.
Your heart, soul and mind must hunger for more. You must conquer the spirits and elements of poverty from within. That is where the battle is fought and either won or lost.
You must not judge yourself by your current income or the meager salary from your current job. Your plans for your future must not be based on your current possibilities.
Wake up each day believing and desiring for more greatness and possibilities. That’s the law of attraction I spoke about in my new year resolution article. I also discussed it in this article. Please read them if you have not.
The law of attraction is a universal principle that says you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. Whatever you give your energy and attention to is what will come back to you.
So, your desire to escape poverty must be strong and unyielding in order for you to manifest it in your life.
That’s according to the law of unwavering desire, which is a critical path of the universal body of the laws of attraction.
Be very clear and positive about your desire. Speak your desire through the law of repetition into a solid foundation in your consciousness.
According to the book of Joel 2:28, we are all prophets. So, prophesy your desire repeatedly and let the elements of the universe acknowledge the new you.
Then and then, you are ready to begin the real physical steps towards your visible shift from poverty to abundance.
I do not believe in some pastoral teachings that give you the idea that you will speak all your desires into existence. There is a part that action must play.
So, while virtually everything I have spoken about so far, revolves around positive mental attitude, we will now dive into the physical.
Action speaks the loudest, and action is a physical thing. That takes us to attitude number 4.
Secret No.4
Now, this is the path you begin the work your talk. Working towards your dreams and desires is a compulsory requirement in the pursuit of greatness.
Intentions are very powerful, but you must take action to get results. So desiring to escape poverty as good as it is, is still not enough to get you across the finish line without corroborative action.
This is the major message of my masterclass today. It is about the secrets of how to escape poverty with little salary, and this is the most important of the secrets.
So, my advice is very simple – you must see that your little salary as a seed you need to plant for a greater harvest.
You are the ground the seed is going to be sown. While all the attitudes I discussed from 1 to 3 above are the manure that fertilizes you for the seed.
To escape poverty, you must not begin to divert that little salary into trying to solve litany of problems that are at best endless.
When you get that little job with that little salary or that small business that starts bringing in small income, please do not see it as the resources to rush into marriage or go for a second wife.
Initially, you must apply this little income, no matter how little it is into investment, and investing in yourself is one of the best possible investments you can ever make.
In fact, with meager salary, there is hardly a chance to begin to talk about investment in stocks, real estate, crypto or any form of reasonable business assets or venture.
However, it is always enough to invest in yourself. By investing in yourself, I do not mean going after a new academic certificate, probably in anticipation of promotion in your place of work.
Well that’s okay if you are in a career with a natural progression that will better your life. Example of such career could be a promising job in a blue-chip company.
This is hardly the same case if you are a civil servant in Nigeria, especially if you are not from the Northern part of the country and not a Muslim.
You will be wasting your time going to acquire more academic qualification only to watch your colleagues from the North get promoted with even lesser qualifications.
Your president who is the first and most senior civil servant does not even have a certificate or even any functional brain for the office of the president. In fact, he may even be brain dead. Yet he is your president. So, that’s a living proof that certificate is not all that matters.
Therefore, the key to determining whether to spend your little salary on new academic certificate depends on where you work and your chances of putting the new certificate to greater possibilities there.
After all, not everyone must be a businessperson or an entrepreneur. Not all of us must own and run our own companies.
So, alternatively, if you have a passion in anything. If you have creative hands and ability. You could invest in improving this capacity. You could invest in commercializing this passion using the little income you currently earn.
This the computer edge and the internet is the new economic environment. There are loads of money-making courses on the internet. Some are even offered free.
From writing eBooks to social media marketing, search engine optimization, web designs, computer programing and more in the information technology field.
There are also many other things you can learn online or offline and start as part time, until you perfect your act. Let your passion lead you in making the choice of what to learn.
However, these days, the internet provides you with the opportunity to break out faster and bigger and achieve greater financial freedom with less stress and resources.
In addition, financial freedom requires a level of financial education, so investing in growing your financial knowledge will be well worth it. It’s the best guarantee to get rich, after all.
So, invest in yourself. Invest in your education. Learn. Adapt. Grow. Discover what you are passionate about and act on it immediately with that little salary you are currently earning.
Consequently, from just a meager salary well utilized to acquire the right skills, your possibilities suddenly become endless.
Secret No.5
This is one area of our life we must never ignore or compromise. I live it for the last not because it is less important but because I want it to remain fresh in our memory after watching my video.
More than anything, you will need peace with yourself and harmony with the universe to find a balance between your hustle and the forces that will contend with you.
However, as I always say, spirituality is never a finished work. It is continually a work in progress.
Notwithstanding, we must come to a point where our spirit, body and soul aligns with the undeniable fact that there is God in heavens who reigns over the affairs of men here on earth.
This is what I call The Innermost Awareness.
To help you get there, may I introduce you to the online prayer platform called – New Season Prophetic Prayers & Declarations (NSPPD).
It is an interdenominational prayer platform where God is doing strange miracles that has brought many people into their place of innermost awareness.
NSPPD is an hour program between 7am to 8am, Nigerian time. The link to the platform is on the description to this video. You can also search it on Facebook or YouTube using “NSPPD”.
So, in summary, I have given you 5 attitudes that can move you from a monthly salary as little as 50,000 to One Million turnover even in USD. You can still become a dollar millionaire from a very little beginning.
These attitudes again are as follows:
- The attitudes of gratitude
- The attitude of awareness
- The attitude of desire
- The attitude of investment
- The attitude of spirituality.
If you have questions, recommendations or feedbacks, kindly send them to [email protected]. Be rest assured I will try to attend to them personally and as promptly as I can.
My Last Words
Remember, poverty and wealth are optional. None of them is an absolute curse or blessing. They are both products of our deliberate everyday choices. Chose wealth today and walk the path consistently.
Written by Anthony Paul. He wrote in from [email protected].