The UK Home Secretary (equivalent of Minister of Interior or Internal Affairs in Nigeria), Suella Braverman, have raised the alert on what he referred to as the unchecked increasing number of immigrants coming into the UK as student dependents (family members).
Analysis of immigration data at the UK Home office have shown an increasing numbers of dependents of foreign students with visas. The increase was noted to be as much as five fold from 13,664 in 2019 to 81,089 by the end of June 2022, Clariform has learnt.
Universities in the United Kingdom are increasing their income from increasing the numbers of foreign students, who in turn come with their relatives who are dependent on them.
In 2019, the ratio of dependents to students with visas was 26 to one, but now five to one by June 2022, the Home Office data have shown according to Suella Braverman.
The new British Home Secretary Suella Braverman said that the renewed interest in the current data, is to help in her review of immigration situation, so as to find a way to bring the figure down.
Low skills migrants would be more affected in the policy that seek to ensure that foreigners coming to the UK have meaningful impact on the economic growth and GDP per capita.
The data from Home office, shows that Nigerian and Indian students have the highest number of dependents totaling 23,000 people a year. The Home office, last month showed that the number of foreign nationals coming to live, study and work in the UK have surpassed one million for the first time.
In the UK, 60% of immigration per year are students, from 256,000 to close to 411,000 by June 2022, with the number of dependents increasing to 170 percent from 29,700 to 81,100.
Recent report proves that Nigeria and India have the highest number of students coming to the UK with dependents. Nigeria have 34,000 students with 31,898 dependents and India with 93,100 students in the UK have 24,916 dependents.
Another African country, Libya have more dependents than students with a student population of 272 and 455 dependents.
With the above, the immigration review will consider a change in the visa system to carter for labour shortage and attract talents while improving economic growth.
For the Government, it is not time to seek increase in immigration but a change in the mix.
This means key sectors with shortage of labour could be allowed to recruit more foreign staff and the requirements for foreign workers could be reduced.
Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said, “It has been clear for years that a significant number of those coming to study and their dependents use it as a route into work and settlement.
“It is yet another mode of uncontrolled and uncapped migration, often, feeding the demand for low-skilled and low-paid workers. The number of student dependents has spiraled to over 80,000 in one year. It is an area in desperate need of tightening.”
“The current 30-40,000 cap on seasonal workers is likely be lifted in the “short term.”
“That will involve increasing numbers in some areas and decreasing in others. As the Prime Minister has made clear, we also want to see people who are economically inactive get back into work”.
“Across work visas, the number and ratio of dependents has also increased, nearly doubling in a year from 55,747 to 109,649. The ratio for the 221,584 visas granted for skilled workers in relation to dependents was 2.5.”
The harsh economic reality in most developing nations like Nigeria plus the poor educational facilities and inconsistent academic calendar compared to what is obtained in the West makes schooling abroad an attractive venture.
Beyond the schooling, which is an easy way to get into the developed West, the student visa is also a major means of relocating to greener pastures as many students have opportunity to remain in the UK and other advanced economic after graduation.
For the countries and schools, students from developing nations also help them increase the number of students in their schools and keep them active.
While the students and dependents are a sure means of cheap labour supply to the capitalist economies that enjoy cheap labour as it helps increase profits.